A career-ending injury can shatter ambitions and leave a worker wondering how they will pay their bills and take care of their family. Fortunately, most states (including California) require employers to have a Workers’ Compensation insurance policy. Workers who sustain a career-ending injury may be eligible for a variety of benefits designed to support their physical, emotional and financial health.
Workers’ Compensation Benefits
An injured worker shouldn’t have to worry about paying for doctor’s visits, surgery, physical therapy and medication. A standard Workers’ Compensation policy should cover all of these costs and provide injured workers with the care they need.
Depending on the workers’ injury, they may qualify for permanent disability benefits. The two types of permanent disability benefits include permanent total disability and permanent partial disability.
Total disability. The worker is unable to do any work and will receive the maximum benefits. Injuries that could qualify a worker for this benefit include paralysis from the neck down; loss of both eyes, arms or legs; or absence from work for six months due to an injury or illness sustained on the job without expectation to return to the previous occupation.
Partial disability. The worker is able to perform some job responsibilities, but their abilities are limited. This type of disability provides benefits based on the extent of the worker’s disability.
It’s important to hire an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to ensure the worker receives the best settlement possible. A worker should also understand that once a settlement is reached, the worker must provide the workers’ compensation insurance company with a signed release of claim document in exchange for a check. If the worker’s condition worsens, the employer’s insurer would not be responsible for covering the costs of future medical treatment. A qualified workers compensation lawyer will ensure the worker receives the right type of settlement.
Fighting For Injured Workers’ Rights
Most employers insist that you get your treatment with doctors they assign to you – whether they are doing a good job or not. These Medical Provider Network (MPN) doctors often care more about cutting costs than taking care of your health. Even when the MPN doctor requests certain treatment, the insurance company delays or denies it. YOUR CAREER IS AT STAKE.
Some injuries are serious and complex. They require specialized medical attention and could prevent you from returning to your regular job. You better believe the claims adjuster is preparing their case right from the beginning – and you better believe they are looking out for themselves.
Often, the claims adjuster will insist that you see their “network” doctors, and may have their “representatives” show up to your medical appointments (usually nurses). Medical treatment that you obviously need after the hospitalization isn’t so obvious to the claims adjuster.
When you are struggling physically, emotionally and financially due to a serious injury, don’t wait for things to get better. GET YOUR CAREER BACK ON TRACK.
What To Do After Sustaining A Career-Ending Injury
If you’ve sustained a career-ending injury, reach out to Workers’ Compensation Attorney Thomas F. Martin, PLC for a free initial consultation. During that first meeting, Thomas will ask you questions about your injury, such as how and when the accident occured, evaluate the evidence supporting your claim, and consider the likelihood of obtaining a settlement or award. He will also review your medical records, doctors’ reports and witness statements and fight for your rights.
Call Thomas F. Martin, PLC, the best workers’ compensation attorney in Orange County, CA to receive the legal representation you deserve.