Understanding Work Injuries: Your Guide to Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Orange County
When it comes to keeping California workers safe, the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CalOSHA) plays a vital role. CalOSHA’s mission is to ensure that workers have safe and healthy conditions in which to perform their jobs. They achieve this by setting and enforcing standards and providing training and assistance. Since 1973, CalOSHA has significantly reduced workplace injuries and fatalities, making the workplace safer for millions of Californians.
CalOSHA regularly updates workplace safety standards based on the latest injury and fatality data. This proactive approach is essential in safeguarding workers across the State.
Injuries That Require Extended Time Off
If you’ve ever wondered how long it takes to recover from various workplace injuries, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) can provide some insights. The recovery time largely depends on the type of injury you’ve suffered. Here’s a breakdown of the median number of days needed for recovery for different types of injuries:
– Multiple fractures and injuries: 48 days
– Fractures: 32 days
– Amputations: 31 days
– Carpal tunnel syndrome: 30 days
– Tendonitis: 14 days
– Strains, tears, and sprains: 11 days
– Multiple traumatic injuries: 9 days
– Soreness or pain: 8 days
– Multiple sprains with injuries: 7 days
– Contusions and bruises: 5 days
– Heat burns: 5 days
– Lacerations, punctures, and cuts: 4 days
– Chemical burns: 3 days
Common Causes of Fatal Workplace Injuries
In 2018, several factors led to fatal workplace accidents. Transportation accidents topped the list, followed by violence and injuries from persons or animals, falls, slips, and trips, contact with objects and equipment, exposure to harmful chemicals or environments, and fires and explosions.
Fatalities in the workplace in 2020 included incidents like falls from scaffolds, electrocutions, being struck or crushed by heavy trucks, trench collapses, shooting incidents, and heavy machinery accidents.
Occupations with the Highest Fatality Rates
Certain professions carried a higher risk of workplace fatalities in 2019, with the following industries having the most fatalities per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers:
– Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting: 23.4
– Transportation and warehousing: 14
– Construction: 9.5
– Wholesale trade: 5.3
– Professional and business services: 3.3
– Factors Contributing to Workplace Injuries
CalOSHA has identified specific safety violations that contribute to job-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. These violations include poor fall protection, hazard communication standards, respiratory protection, scaffolding, ladders, hazardous energy control, fall protection training, eye and face protection, unsafe machinery, inadequate machine guarding, and improper use of powered industrial trucks.
What to Do If You’ve Been Injured
If you’ve suffered an injury or illness due to your work, it’s crucial to quickly determine your rights and consider filing a workers’ compensation claim with your employer. Follow up on your right to get immediate medical attention and document your efforts in writing if necessary. In cases where your claim is delayed or denied, seeking the assistance of a skilled workers’ compensation attorney in Orange County is worth considering. An experienced attorney will handle the necessary paperwork and support your medical recovery.
The Next StepIf you decide to consult with an attorney, consider one that is a competent work injury attorney in Orange County. With over 30 years of experience, consider reaching out to Thomas F. Martin, an award-winning workers’ compensation attorney in Orange County, by calling 714-547-5025 or contacting us online to arrange a free and confidential consultation. When your health and finances are at stake, Mr. Martin is here to help you navigate the complexities of workers’ compensation law.
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